What is biodegradable plastic

company-news | Time:2022-12-28

Biodegradable materials include biodegradable natural polymer materials such as cellulose, starch, paper, etc., as well as biodegradable plastics obtained by biosynthesis or chemical synthesis. Then the biodegradable material manufacturers will talk to you about what is biodegradable plastic.

Biodegradable plastics refer to microbial strains that exist in nature under natural conditions such as soil layers and/or sandy soils, and/or under special conditions such as composting conditions or anaerobic digestion conditions or in aqueous culture solutions. The action causes degradation, and finally completely degrades into carbon dioxide (CO2) or/and methane gas (CH4), water (H2O) and mineralized inorganic salts of elements contained in it, and new biomass (such as dead microorganisms, etc.) .

It should be noted that every biodegradable material, including paper, etc., requires certain environmental conditions for its degradation. If there are no degradation conditions, especially the daily life conditions of microbial strains, its degradation will be relatively slow; at the same time, not every A biodegradable material that degrades rapidly under any environmental conditions. Therefore, when dealing with biodegradable materials, it should be analyzed based on its environmental conditions and combined with the structure of the material itself to determine whether it is a biodegradable material.

The above explanation is about biodegradable material manufacturers talking about what is biodegradable plastic. I hope you can help you after reading it. If you want to know more about biodegradable materials, you can consult Online customer service, we will serve you wholeheartedly.


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