How are plastic bags harmful to the environment

company-news | Time:2023-03-01

Plastic bags have become ubiquitous in our daily lives. We use them to carry groceries, clothing, and other goods, often discarding them after just one use. However, the environmental impact of plastic bags has become a major concern in recent years. In this article, we will explore the ways in which plastic bags are harmful to the environment and the measures that can be taken to mitigate their impact.

Pollution of Oceans and Waterways

One of the most significant environmental impacts of plastic bags is the pollution of our oceans and waterways. When plastic bags are discarded, they can end up in our waterways and eventually make their way to the ocean. According to a report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050 if we do not take action to reduce plastic pollution.

Once in the ocean, plastic bags can harm marine life. Animals can become entangled in the bags, leading to injury or death. Plastic bags can also be mistaken for food by marine life, causing them to ingest the plastic and suffer from digestive problems or death. This is particularly concerning because plastic bags do not biodegrade and can persist in the environment for hundreds of years.

In addition to harming marine life, plastic bags can also contribute to the formation of "plastic islands" in the ocean. These islands are made up of large amounts of plastic that have accumulated in certain areas due to ocean currents. These islands can harm the ecosystem of the area, making it difficult for marine life to survive.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Another environmental impact of plastic bags is their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. The production of plastic bags requires the use of fossil fuels, which are a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. According to the Worldwatch Institute, the production of plastic bags releases 3.8 billion liters of oil into the atmosphere each year.

In addition to the production of plastic bags, their disposal also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. When plastic bags are discarded in landfills, they can release methane, a potent greenhouse gas, as they degrade. This can contribute to global warming and climate change.

Harm to Wildlife

Plastic bags can also harm wildlife on land. When plastic bags are discarded, they can become entangled in trees and bushes, making it difficult for animals to move through their natural habitats. This can lead to injury or death, as animals can become trapped or suffocated by the bags.

Ingestion by Livestock

Plastic bags can also pose a risk to livestock. When plastic bags are discarded in pastures or fields, they can be mistaken for food by livestock. If ingested, the plastic bags can cause digestive problems or even death. This can have a significant impact on the agricultural industry and the food supply.

Mitigating the Impact of Plastic Bags

There are several measures that can be taken to mitigate the impact of plastic bags on the environment. One of the most effective measures is to reduce the use of plastic bags. This can be achieved through the implementation of bans or fees on single-use plastic bags, or through the promotion of reusable bags made from materials such as cotton or canvas.

Another measure is to increase recycling rates for plastic bags. Many retailers now offer recycling programs for plastic bags, and some cities have implemented curbside recycling programs for plastic bags.

Finally, there is a need for increased public awareness about the impact of plastic bags on the environment. By educating the public about the harms of plastic bags, we can encourage individuals to take action to reduce their use and dispose of them properly.


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